Git best practices to maintain larger projects in any version control systems like Github/Bitbucket

Git best practices to maintain larger projects in any version control systems like Github/Bitbucket
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  1. Feature Branch Workflow: Create branches for each new feature or bug fix. This keeps the main branch clean and only merges finished work. It also facilitates easier code reviews and testing.
  2. Pull Request Reviews: Before merging, have team members review the changes. This encourages knowledge sharing and catches bugs early. Implementing a minimum number of reviewers or requiring specific individuals’ approvals can enhance this process.
  3. Automated Testing: Integrate automated tests that run on every PR. This ensures that new changes don’t break existing functionality. You can use continuous integration tools to automate this process.
  4. Coding Standards and Conventions: Enforce coding standards through the use of linters or code formatters that automatically run on PRs. This keeps the codebase consistent and readable, reducing cognitive load for developers.
  5. Commit Messages and History: Encourage meaningful commit messages and clean commit history. Squash commits that are minor or fix mistakes in the PR before merging to keep the history readable and meaningful.
  6. Protected Branches: Protect critical branches like main or master. Configuration options can include prohibiting direct pushes, requiring status checks to pass before merging, and needing PR reviews.
  7. Release Branches: For larger projects, use release branches to prepare for a new production release. This allows for last-minute fixes, versioning, and release notes to be prepared without interrupting the main development workflow.
  8. Conflict Resolution and Rebase: Encourage developers to rebase their feature branches onto the latest main branch regularly. This practice reduces merge conflicts and ensures that the feature branch is up-to-date with the main branch.
  9. Merge Strategies: Choose an appropriate merge strategy (e.g., merge commit, squash merge, rebase and merge) based on the situation. Squash merging keeps the history cleaner, while a merge commit preserves the history of a feature branch.
  10. Security Checks: Implement security checks within your CI/CD pipeline to scan for vulnerabilities in dependencies and enforce security practices.
  11. Documentation: Ensure that changes in a PR are accompanied by updates in documentation, if necessary. This keeps the project’s documentation up-to-date and useful.
  12. Issue Tracking: Link PRs to issues or tickets in your project management tool. This improves traceability and provides context for changes.
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