Weekly Notes 01/07/2024 – 07/07/2024

Weekly Notes 01/07/2024 – 07/07/2024
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Hello there,

I had a satisfying and productive week.

I decided to move my weekly notes from weekly-notes.parathan.com to this subdomain, blog.parathan.com. This way, I can keep all my professional and important content in one place. My blog focuses on tech-related topics, sharing what I learn and documenting my experiences. Instead of having a separate site for weekly notes, I believe it’s better to consolidate everything.

A major accomplishment I made this week was adding a Related Post at the end of each post on this site with the following WordPress plugin pattern and Php. It was a nice experience to work on Php. Maybe I will try some new exciting things in this blog, too. Let’s see. I didn’t have any option than WordPress to create a blog page.


I managed my time well and prepared thoroughly for an online session with the Uki weekend cohort. The session covered Node.js with TypeScript and database concepts, including ER Diagrams. What I planned for the week was accomplished as usual.

Volunteer Activities

This week, I worked on an issue with Noolaham. school, where a separate site was created to upload educational materials like question papers & study materials. It was created, but I had some issues uploading the documents. So, I had to work on it to solve it. The issue was related to Fedora Object. repository registry had mismatching, which caused new documents to get the permanent identifier that already exists. After running a DB query to clean and re-index, the site worked perfectly. However, to make this work, I had to spend around 4-5 hours checking the documentation and trying to find it within the server. The server stack & software stack needs a huge upgrade & migration. Hopefully, will start work on the initial steps of getting metadata & cleanup process will begin soon.

With TAJ (Tamil Academic Journal), I did not have much to do. There was a pending task I had to do, which was to point to a subdomain for the journal submission site. But it seems like the service provider doesn’t allow DNS to point to another server. I had to re-validate with the people who had already handled it and then with the service provider. Hopefully, I will be able to complete it by next week.

Freelance & Side Projects

The mobile app startup that I was doing was working as expected, but I am not still satisfied with how I wrote it. I need to do refactoring & make the code reusable & make it shorter as much as possible. The one thing I learnt as a developer from this app is that if we depend on any third-party libraries, we should be very careful. If they make some changes or vast changes, we have to pay for the sin of selecting them to build our product. Soon, everything will be fixed and will launch the app soon. Stay tuned…

With Upwork, I got a code review task. But the code was really a mess & I wasn’t even able to run it locally on my laptop. The environment configuration & everything related to the Google Cloud console were all hardcoded. I didn’t have access to it, and then I wasn’t able to do it. What I learned from this was that I should communicate it without any hesitation. I did, and they replied that they would look into this and revert me back. As a freelancer, we should be able to speak up as early as possible If we are facing or going to face. A good learning. Let me follow up on this.

Exercise & Mind Health

As usual, it’s just a dream for me to have a healthy routine. Somehow I will get demotivated and stop to do. This week, only one day, I walked for 3km in 30 minutes and then came back home & did 1 hour of cardio exercise.

I will do it next week. (I can read your mind’s voice, that this is what this man always says from the very beginning of the weekly notes).

New learning things & tryouts

My new app building on blog is still ongoing, I didn’t had a chance to work on this. But still, I hope to make it live soon.

DataTalk Clubs Zoom camp on RAG & LLM is still unwatched. I DON’T know why I am struggling to get things done even though I am feeling free most of the time.

I should effectively use time as much as possible.

Interesting things from this week

My mother, brother, my aunt (mother’s elder sister) and family of my aunt’s (another elder sister) son and his family joined for a Sunday day out to Casuarina beach in Karainagar, which is nearly a 20-minute ride from my home. We had enjoyed a lot and had ate bread, dhal & sambol.

On Friday, went to Vavuniya with my family members (dad, mom, brother & his wife) along with a new additional member to our family.

The journey went awesome & I enjoyed it a lot.

Looking forward to focusing more on time management.

Parathan Thiyagalingam Avatar

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